Sudden Death in Athletes Unit
Sudden death is rapid, unexpected death that occurs within one hour of the onset of symptoms in a supposedly healthy individual, as in the case of sportsmen or women, and is therefore all the more disturbing.
Although published incidence of this phenomenon is low, according to information from all over the world, the real incidence is probably greater than we think as only the most talked-about cases are reported: those which involve well-attended events with high media presence. Cases involving less popular sports or sports practised for leisure go unnoticed.
It is estimated that approximately 1-2 of every 200,000 athletes die per year. It is known that the occurrence is greater in men than in women and that the incidence of sudden death in young athletes is double that of the population in general.
At the Heart Area of ICTA, we specialise in early diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of potentially lethal cardiovascular diseases.
Cardiac causes are the most frequent. In people over 35, the cause is usually heart disease. In those younger than 35 who are athletes, the causes are: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia, coronary artery anomalies, blows to the chest area, electrical alterations of the heart (long QT, etc.).
As a result of this, at the Heart Area of ICTA, we have formed the Treatment and Prevention of Sudden Death in Athletes Unit, which is composed of a multi-disciplinary group specialised in early diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of potentially lethal cardiovascular diseases.
Aside from the availability of material resources including the latest technology currently available, this has been made possible thanks to the group’s composition and the coordination of professionals who are experts in the relevant cardiopathies and who use diagnosis, medical management and surgical treatment to achieve excellent results.